Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Welcome to my fashion blog!!

Hey guys!
   For those of you who don't know me, my name is Drew Reidenbach and I am a freshman at Loyola University Chicago.  I am double majoring in Public Relations and Spanish and double minoring in Entrepreneurship and Finance.  After I graduate, I want to to move to New York City and work in fashion PR.  Right now I am an intern for a local designer in Chicago and an intern for a marketing agency.
   I decided to start a blog because living in Chicago I get inspired by all the people around me and the crazy fashions that they wear.  What I plan to do is to take pictures of people that I see on the streets who are rocking an awesome look and discuss what I particularly like about it.  My goal is to post twice a week.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!!
Peace and love,
P.S.  For those of you who are wondering, my blog (and twitter and email) are called The House of Orange because one day I want to have my own fashion PR firm and that's what I want to call it.  Orange has always been my favorite color and is the color of endurance and of creativity.